Cardiac operations
Cardiac surgery operations in Tunisia
Cardiac operations Tunisia: Treat your heart disease with the best cardiologists and in the best cardio clinic in Tunisia. Discover the reviews, Prices and best cardiologist. Our cardiology medical field team specializes in the examination, identification and management of cardiovascular disorders, whether present at birth or acquired later in life. The cardiologist treats the most common pathologies such as: arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, cardiomyopathy, coronary artery disease, etc.
By making an appointment for your heart operation in Tunisia, patients who suffer from cardiovascular diseases or have symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, fainting, dizziness or palpitations can benefit from care, diagnosis or monitoring of their heart problems.
Biomedica Santé is recognized for having partner clinics. biomedica offers surgical intervention services Tunisia. These clinics have received many accolades from previous clients, who have reported positive experiences and results. Additionally, the prices for these services are reasonable and competitive.
Our customers are from Europe, Africa and also the Arab Gulf countries.
Clients are usually at home, in the clinic or in the hospital. When you order, we can give you a close appointment to review your case before the operation, which can be before Day-1 to Day-7 depending on availability. Our clients are from Tunis and all regions of Tunisia.
Tel: (+ 216) 54 471 830