CPAP Sefam fixed EcoStar - Anesthesia and resuscit
  • CPAP Sefam fixed EcoStar - Anesthesia and resuscit
  • CPAP Sefam fixed EcoStar - Anesthesia and resuscit
  • CPAP Sefam fixed EcoStar - Anesthesia and resuscit

CPAP Sefam fixed EcoStar


Sale CPAP Sefam fixed EcoStar in Tunisia with good value for money. It is a CPAP device with continuous positive pressure used for the treatment of sleep apnea syndrome. Its technical characteristics, including a low noise level of 27 dB, a compact size, a lightweight design, altitude compensation and compatibility with international power supplies.


Biomedica supplier of fixed and automatic CPAP / PPC solutions for sleep apnea and anti-snoring.

Order and buy your fixed CPAP Sefam EcoStar product in greater Tunis and all of Tunisia.

Call us: (+ 216) 54 471 830

The CPAP/PPC EcoStar SEFAM is designed for the management of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). The CPAP/PPC EcoStar SEFAM an optimal choice for use at home and when traveling. In addition, the use of this CPAP device is remarkably simple.



The CPAP SEFAM is a medical device that provides continuous positive airway pressure through a mask (nasal, nostril or naso-buccal) connected by a tube. This continuous positive pressure serves to keep the upper airway clear, preventing complete blockage of the posterior region of the throat due to the collapse of soft tissues. It is this collapse of soft tissues that leads to sleep apnea. Treatment with EcoStar CPAP effectively solves sleep apnea, with measurable results observable from the first night.


Where to buy a fixed CPAP device?

The delivery of the fixed Sefam EcoStar CPAP device can be done in Tunis and all of Tunisia.

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