Balloon nephrostomy kit - Urology - 1
  • Balloon nephrostomy kit - Urology - 1

Balloon nephrostomy kit

Sale Pure silicone renal/balloon nephrostomy kit also called nephrostomy balloon catheter set used for percutaneous kidney drainage in Tunisia. The comfortable nephrostomy instrument kit allows the application of a size 12 "INTEGRAL" balloon catheter.

Nephrostomy Instrument Kit

Biomedica supplier of urological health medical equipment in Tunisia offers several ranges of nephrostomy catheters, balloon catheters, J-tip catheters/probes, and PC-coated catheters.

Order and buy your balloon catheter for renal percutaneous drainage in Tunis all of Tunisia.

Call us: (+ 216) 54 471 830

This new nephrostomy set uses a 10 Charrière balloon catheter. It only takes a few steps to apply and combines all the advantages of past methods. Its advantage is that it is painless and in addition, it is easy to remove the catheter.

Nephrostomy Instrument Kit spécifications


Advantages of past methods:

- Minimal bulk in the renal pelvis and secure fixation,
- Comfort when wearing
- Good dilation

Other advantages :

- Dilator and balloon catheter in one
- Pure silicone balloon catheter
- radiologically visible
- graduated
- does not flow
- semi-solid

Our line of catheters includes custom sets for all common surgical techniques, including direct nephrostomy, percutaneous 2-stage nephrostomy and standard nephrostomy. Our catheters help reduce the rate of infection around the puncture site by using phosphorylcholine-coated J-tip catheters or balloon catheters.

The Nephrostomy Kit contains:

- 0.035"/0.89mm Lunderquist Guidewire, 90cm length
- Puncture cannula 17.5 GA/1.3 mm, point length 18.5 cm
- Fascial dilator Ch. 7/2.3 mm
- Fascial dilator Ch. 9/3 mm
- Fascial dilator Ch. 11/3.7 mm
- Fascial dilator Ch. 13/4.3 mm with split sleeve

All balloon catheters in the Nephrostomy Kit contain a UROMED filling medium to block the balloon.


What are "INTEGRAL" catheters used for?

Conventional catheters have a large gauge jump when changing to a different length. UROMED's integrative balloon catheters eliminate this pain by facilitating switching without diminishing performance. By embedding the balloon into the wall of the sheath, these catheters allow for much greater fascia coverage.


Tips and benefits of use?

Due to the small, round end of the catheter, less catheter is placed inside the kidney. This reduces the risk of organ damage and allows the rounded head to stay securely in place with a small bulk. The catheter material is pure silicone and polyurethane. Both materials are non-toxic and have been used for a long time without complications.


What is a dilating tip used for?

A tapered tip allows the catheter to glide unhindered through the fascial layer, relieving any potential discomfort during insertion. The strength of the material is required for the application of the catheter, with or without an obturator.


The Renal / Balloon Nephrostomy Kit sales service at Biomedica is in Tunis and all of Tunisia.

Data sheet

Part of the body
urological, renal
Various Options
pure silicone and polyurethane
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